Stone Medicine
Chinese medicine has a long history of using stones and crystals for healing. Of all the Chinese healing arts, stone medicine is the least widely known, but one of the most powerful. Traditionally, stones were considered to be part of the Chinese materia medica and were boiled into herbal decoctions the taken internally. These days we prefer to avoid ingesting stones directly because of their complex and varied components. In the clinic we use them topically, or in elixir form.
Stone oils, tinctures and balms
Stones contain many vital minerals and trace elements that can powerfully effect the body when used topically in an oil, balm or tincture. Our products are carefully formulated for each individual and are made with high-quality, hand-powdered crystals, and organic oils, butters and clays.
Stone elixirs
Stones elixirs are magical. They combine the potency of ancient Chinese stone decoctions with the safety and subtlety of modern essences and homeopathics. Our stone elixirs are made with high quality stones and crystals that are indirectly infused into water.
How stone elixirs work
Stones and water speak the same language and can communicate information to each other. Research has shown that water has the ability to morph into many different crystalline structures, depending on its environment. In the presence of a stone or crystal, water transforms and takes on the structure or ‘resonance’ of the stone. When we ingest this water, the stones can speak directly to us, giving our bodies the information we need to heal. Remember, human bodies contain a high percentage of water, and the water inside us can change its structure too!
Stone Medicine Prices:
Stone elixirs are $25 per bottle.
Oils, tinctures and balms range from $30 - $50.